Crafty apes VFX


The apps we deliver are always based on a great idea requiring a unique software solution. The scope of our projects ranges from individual apps for startups to large scale national and international solutions.


NBHC procomm offers  Quality Testing, Grading, Inspection and Certification Services for Agriculture trading Packaging Companies  with in Pan India.

They were receiving  hundreds of request from all over india, and managing them all over via email and excel was becoming increasingly difficult. Off-the-self CRMs with the some customizations didn’t seems to be up to the task so it was decided to develop a custom CRM that could support them in the longer run.

User Experience



Based on our initial discussions with the CXOs, we suggested to start with a MVP which would include the wireframes, clickable prototype. This helped to envision the functionality to all the stakeholders including the management, operations and on-field teams.

The application consisted of Mobile responsive Web based CRM for Operation and PWA app for field users. We suggested .NET with Angular for the web application and PWA app in Angular as well.

Technology Stack

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John Doe
